March 26 Puns
(too old to reply)
2015-03-27 06:47:33 UTC
Happy Saint Ludger Day on March 26.

5 days to Saint Acacius Day and Ceasar Chavez Day on
March 31. 5 day since Saint Benedict Day on March 21.

10 days to Easter, Julian Palm Sunday, Saint Vincent
Ferrer Day, and Saint Irene Day on April 5. 10 days
since Square Root of 10 Day and Saint Abraham the Hermit
Day on March 16.

15 days to Easter Friday, Julian Calendar Good Friday,
and Saint Ezechiel Day on April 10. 15 days since Saint
Eulogius Day and Saint Sophronius Day on March 11.

20 days to Tax Day, and Saints Basilissa and Anastasia
Day on April 15. 20 days since World Day of Prayer,
Saint Fridolin Day, Saint Colette Day, and Saint Perpetua
and Felicitas Day on March 6.

25 days since Saint David's Day, Patron of Wales Day on
March 1. 25 days to Saint Agnes of Montephulciano Day on
April 20.

30 days to ANZAC Day and Saint Mark the Evangelist Day on
April 25. 30 days since Saint Matthias, Apostle
Day on February 24.

35 days since Chinese New Year's Day 4713, Saint Gabrinus
Day, and Saint Odran Day on February 19. 35 days to
Saint Pius V and Saint Catherine of Siena Day on April

40 days to Cinco De Mayo and Pope Saint Pius V on May 5.
40 days since Saint Valentine's Day on February 14.

45 days to Mother's Day, Saint Damien Day de Veuster Day,
Saint Damien of Molokai Day, and Saint Antonius Day on
May 10. 45 days since Saint Cyril of Alexandra Day and
Saint Miguel Cordero Day on February 9.

50 days to Hug Your Cat Day, Saint John Baptist de la Salle Day, and Saint Isadore Day on May 15. 50 days
since Saint Andrew Corsini Day on February 4.

55 days to Saint Bernadine of Siena Day on May 20. 55
days since Saint Martina, Martyr Day and Saint Mutien-
Marie Wiaux Day on January 30.

60 days to Memorial Day, Pope Saint Gregory VII Day,
Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat Day, Saint Bede the
Venerable Day, and Saint Mary Magdalene de'Pazzi Day on May 25. 60 days since Conversion of Saint Paul the
Apostle Day on January 25.

65 days since Saint Fabian, Martyr Day and Saint
Sebastian, Martyr Day on January 20. 65 days to Saint
Joan of Arc Day and Pope Saint Felix I, Martyr Day on May

70 days to Tiananmen Square Day and Saint Francis
Caracciolo Day on June 4. 70 days since Martin Luther
King's birthday, Saint Paul the Hermit Day, Saint Maurus,
Abbot Day on January 15.

75 days since Saint Nicanor Day and Saint William Day on
January 10. 75 days to Saint Ephrem Day, Saint
Columkille Day, and Saints Primus and Felician, Martyrs
Day on June 9.

80 days to Flag Day and Saint Basil the Great Day on June
14. 80 days since Saint Telesphorus Day and Saint John
Neumann Day on January 5.

85 days since the Septaves of Glad Påsk, Glad Pask, and
Sad Pask in Sweden on December 31. 85 days since the
Septaves of Christmas, Gena, Glad Jul, God Jul,
Hoesenestotse, Jul, Julaften, Kalikimaka, Kersfees, Kir
Simes, Krishtlindjet, Krystdagen, Nadal, Navidaes,
Navidad, the Nativity of the Lord, Nettvcakorakko, Noel,
Nollaq, Nowell, Quaid-e-Azam's Day, Saturnalia, Sol
Invictus, Weihnachten, X -Mas, and Yuletide on December
31. 85 days since New Year's Eve, World Peace Day Eve,
Mary Mother of God Day Eve, Saint Sylvester I Day, and
Saint Catherine Laboure Day on December 31. 85 days to
Juneteenth, Saint Romuald Day, Saint Julina
Falconieri Day, and Saints Gervase and Protase Day on
June 19.

90 days to Saint John the Baptist Day on June 24. 90
days since Saint Stephen, First Martyr Day, Boxing Day,
and the 1st day of Kwanzza on December 26.

95 days to Saints Peter and Paul Day on June 29. 95 days
since Saint Thomas, Apostle Day and Saint Peter Canisius
Day on December 21.

100 days to Saint Theodore Day and Independence Day on
July 4. 100 days since Saint Eusebius, Martyr Day, Saint
Alice Day, and Saints Ananias, Azarias, and Misal,
Martyrs Day on December 16.

105 days to Saint Maria Goretti Day and Saint Augustine
Zhao Rong and Companions Day on July 9. 105 days since
Pope Saint Damasus I Day on December 11.

110 days to Bastille Day, Saint Bonaventure Day, Saint
Francis Solano Day, and Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Day on July 14. Also, I assume, the All Star Game. 110 days
since Saint Nicholas of Bari Day on December 6.

115 days to Saint Vincent de Paul Day and Nicaraguan Revolution Day on July 19. 115 days since World AIDS Day
and Saint Edward Campion Day on December 1.

120 days to Pine Tar Day Saint Christina Day, and Saint
Shabel Makhluf Day on July 24. 120 days since Saint
Leonard of Port Maurice Day, Saint Sylvester, Abbot Day,
Saint Peter of Alexandria, Martyr Day, and Saint John
Berchmans Day on November 26. John Berchmans is the
Patron of Altar Servers.

125 days since The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin
Mary Day on November 21. 125 days to Saint Martha Day
and Saints Felix II, Simplicius, Faustinus, and Beatrice
Day on July 29.

130 days to The Finding of the Body of Saint Stephen,
First Martyr Day, Saint Lydia Day, and Saint Peter Julian
Eymard Day on August 3. 130 days since Saint Gerturde
the Great Day and Saint Margaret of Scotland Day on
November 16.

135 days to Nixon Resignation Day, Saint Cyriacus,
Largus, and Smaragdus Day, and Saint Dominic Day on
August 8. 135 days since Veteran's Day, Remembrance Day,
Armistice Day, Saint Martin of Tours Day, and Saint
Mennas, Martyr Day on November 11.

140 days since Saint Leonard of Limoges Day and Saint
Leonard Reresby Day on November 6. 140 days to Saint
John Berchmans Day and Saint Hippolytus and Cassian Day
on August 13.

145 days since All Saints Day on November 1. 145 days to
Saint Helena Day and Saint Agapitus, Martyr Day on August

150 days since Saint Frumentius Day and Vigil of Saints
Simon and Jude, Apostles Day on October 27. 150 days to
Saint Philip Benizi Day, Saint Rose of Lima Day, and
vigil of Saint Bartholomew Day on August 23.

155 days since my friend John's 7th anniversary, Saint
Mary Mary Salome Day, and Bl (since promoted to Saint) Pope John Paul II Day on October 22. 155 days to Saint
Augustine Day and Saint Hermes, Martyr Day on August 28.

160 days since Saint Ignatius Day and Saint Margaret Mary
Alacoque Day on October 17. 160 days to Saint Stephen,
King of Hungary Day on September 2.

165 days to Saint Cloud Day, Saint Regina Day, and Labor
Day on September 7. 165 days since Columbus Day on
October 12.

170 days to The Most Holy Name of Mary Day on September
12. 170 days since Our Lady of the Rosary Day, Pope
Saint Mark Day, and Saints Sergius, Bacchus, Marcellus,
and Apulcius, Martyrs Day on October 7.

175 days to Constitution Day, Saint Robert Bellarmine
Day, Saint Hildegarde Day, and Stgmata of Saint Francis
of Assisi Day on September 17. 175 days since The Holy
Guardian Angels Day and Mahatma Gandhi's birthday on
October 2.

180 days to Saint Thomas of Villanova Day and Saint
Maurice and the Theban Legion, Martyrs Day on September
22. 180 days since Saint Vincent de Paul Day and Saints
Cosmas and Damian, Martyrs Day on September 27.

185 days since Saint Thomas of Villanova Day and Saint
Maurice and the Theban Legion, Martyrs Day on September
22. 185 days to Saint Vincent de Paul Day and Saints
Cosmas and Damian, Martyrs Day on September 27.

190 days since Constitution Day, Saint Robert Bellarmine
Day, Saint Hildegarde Day, and Stgmata of Saint Francis
of Assisi Day on September 17. 190 days to The Holy
Guardian Angels Day and Mahatma Gandhi's birthday on
October 2.

195 days since The Most Holy Name of Mary Day on September
12. 195 days to Our Lady of the Rosary Day, Pope Saint Mark Day, and Saints Sergius, Bacchus, Marcellus, and Apulcius, Martyrs Day on October 7.

200 days since Grandparents Day, Saint Cloud Day and
Saint Regina Day on September 7. 200 days to Columbus
Day and Canadian Thanksgiving Day on October 12.

205 days to Saint Ignatius Day and Saint Margaret Mary
Alacoque Day on October 17. 205 days since Saint
Stephen, King of Hungary Day on September 2.

210 days to my friend John's 8th anniversary, Saint
Mary Mary Salome Day, and Bl (since promoted to Saint)
Pope John Paul II Day on October 22. 210 days since
Saint Augustine Day and Saint Hermes, Martyr Day on
August 28.

215 days to Saint Frumentius Day and Vigil of Saints
Simon and Jude, Apostles Day on October 27. 215 days
since Saint Philip Benizi Day, Saint Rose of Lima Day,
and vigil of Saint Bartholomew Day on August 23.

220 days to All Saints Day on November 1. 220 days since
Saint Helena Day and Saint Agapitus, Martyr Day on August

225 days to Saint Leonard of Limoges Day and Saint
Leonard Reresby Day on November 6. 225 days since Saint
John Berchmans Day and Saint Hippolytus and Cassian Day
on August 13.

230 days since Nixon Resignation Day, Saint Cyriacus,
Largus, and Smaragdus Day, and Saint Dominic Day on
August 8. 230 days to Veteran's Day, Remembrance Day,
Armistice Day, Saint Martin of Tours Day, and Saint
Mennas, Martyr Day on November 11.

235 days since The Finding of the Body of Saint Stephen,
First Martyr Day, Saint Lydia Day, and Saint Peter Julian
Eymard Day on August 3. 235 days to Saint Gerturde the
Great Day and Saint Margaret of Scotland Day on November 16.

240 days to The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Day on November 21. 240 days since Saint Martha Day and
Saints Felix II, Simplicius, Faustinus, and Beatrice Day
on July 29.

245 days since Pine Tar Day Saint Christina Day, and
Saint Shabel Makhluf Day on July 24. 245 days to Saint
Leonard of Port Maurice Day, Saint Sylvester, Abbot Day,
Saint Peter of Alexandria, Martyr Day, and Saint John
Berchmans Day on November 26. John Berchmans is the
Patron of Altar Servers.

250 days since Saint Vincent de Paul Day and Nicaraguan
Revolution Day on July 19. 250 days to World AIDS Day
and Saint Edward Campion Day on December 1.

255 days since Bastille Day, Saint Bonaventure Day, Saint
Francis Solano Day, and Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Day on
July 14. 255 days to Saint Nicholas of Bari Day on
December 6.

260 days since Saint Maria Goretti Day and Saint
Augustine Zhao Rong and Companions Day on July 9. 260
days to Pope Saint Damasus I Day on December 11.

265 days since Saint Theodore Day and Independence Day on July 4. 265 days to Saint Eusebius, Martyr Day, Saint
Alice Day, and Saints Ananias, Azarias, and Misal,
Martyrs Day on December 16.

270 days since the start of Ramadan and Saints Peter and
Paul Day on June 29. 270 days to Saint Thomas, Apostle
Day and Saint Peter Canisius Day on December 21.

275 days since Saint John the Baptist Day on June 24.
275 days to Saint Stephen, First Martyr Day, Boxing Day,
and the 1st day of Kwanzza on December 26.

280 days to the Septaves of Glad Påsk, Glad Pask, and
Sad Pask in Sweden on December 31. 280 days to the
Septaves of Christmas, Gena, Glad Jul, God Jul,
Hoesenestotse, Jul, Julaften, Kalikimaka, Kersfees, Kir
Simes, Krishtlindjet, Krystdagen, Nadal, Navidaes, Navidad, the Nativity of the Lord, Nettvcakorakko, Noel,
Nollaq, Nowell, Quaid-e-Azam's Day, Saturnalia, Sol
Invictus, Weihnachten, X -Mas, and Yuletide on December
31. 280 days to New Year's Eve, World Peace Day Eve,
Mary Mother of God Day Eve, Saint Sylvester I Day, and
Saint Catherine Laboure Day on December 31. 280 days
since Juneteenth, Saint Romuald Day, Saint Julina
Falconieri Day, and Saints Gervase and Protase Day on
June 19.

285 days since Flag Day and Saint Basil the Great Day on
June 14. 285 days to Saint Telesphorus Day and Saint
John Neumann Day on January 5.

290 days to Baptism Day, Saint Nicanor Day, and Saint William Day on January 10. 290 days since Saint Ephrem
Day, Saint Columkille Day, and Saints Primus and
Felician, Martyrs Day on June 9.

295 days to Martin Luther King's birthday, Saint Paul
the Hermit Day, Saint Maurus, Abbot Day on January 15.
295 days since Tiananmen Square Day and Saint Francis
Caracciolo Day on June 4.

300 days to Saint Fabian, Martyr Day and Saint Sebastian,
Martyr Day on January 20. 300 days since Saint Joan of
Arc Day and Pope Saint Felix I, Martyr Day on May 30.

305 days to Conversion of Saint Paul the Apostle Day on
January 25. 305 days since Pope Saint Gregory VII Day,
Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat Day, Saint Bede the
Venerable Day, and Saint Mary Magdalene de'Pazzi Day on
May 25.

310 days to Saint Martina, Martyr Day and Saint Mutien-
Marie Wiaux Day on January 30. 310 days since Saint
Bernadine of Siena Day on May 20.

315 days since Hug Your Cat Day, Saint John Baptist de la
Salle Day, and Saint Isadore Day on May 15. 315 days to
Saint Andrew Corsini Day on February 4.

320 days to Mardi Gras, Fat Tuesday, Shrove Tuesday,
Saint Cyril of Alexandra Day and Saint Miguel Cordero Day
on February 9. 320 days since Saint Damien Day de
Veuster Day, Saint Damien of Molokai Day, and Saint
Antonius Day on May 10.

325 days since Cinco De Mayo and Pope Saint Pius V on May
5. 325 days to Saint Valentine's Day on February 14.

330 days since Saint Pius V and Saint Catherine of Siena
Day on April 30. 330 days to Saint Gabrinus Day, and
Saint Odran Day on February 19.

335 days since ANZAC Day and Saint Mark the Evangelist
Day on April 25. 335 days to Saint Matthias, Apostle Day
on February 24.

340 days since Easter and Saint Agnes of Montephulciano
Day on April 20. 340 days to Leap Day and Saint Aubin
Day next February 29. Albinus, also known as Aubin,
entered the monastery of Tincillac when a youth, was
elected Abbot when he was thirty-five, and was named
Bishop of Angers in 529. He was known for his generosity
to the sick and the indigent, widows, and orphans, for
his work in ransoming slaves, and for his holiness and
the many miracles he is reputed to have performed both
during his lifetime and after his death. His feast day is
March 1 (I assume that this is because February 29 only
occurs once every 4 years!). I've read that many people
consider Leap Day to be a lucky day on which to propose.

345 days since Easter Tuesday, Tax Day, and Saints Basilissa and Anastasia Day on April 15. 345 days to
Saint John Joseph of the Cross Day, and Saint Procas Day
on March 5.

350 days to The 40 Holy Martyrs of Sebast Day and Saint
John Ogilivie Day next March 10. 350 days since Saint
Ezechiel Day on April 10.

355 days to the Ides of March, Saint Clement Hofbauer Day, Saint Longinus Day, and the 4th Sunday of Lent next
March 15. 355 days since Saint Vincent Ferrer Day, and
Saint Irene Day on April 5.

360 days to Saint Photina Day, Saint Cuthbert Day, and
the start of Spring on March 20. 360 days since Saint
Acacius Day and Ceasar Chavez Day on March 31.

365 days to my friend John's 61st birthday, Saint Dismas
Day, and THE ANNUNCIATION OF THE LORD Day on March 25.
365 days since Saint Ludger Day on March 26.
2015-03-27 11:22:13 UTC
Post by TB
Happy Saint Ludger Day on March 26.
5 days to Saint Acacius Day and Ceasar Chavez Day on
March 31. 5 day since Saint Benedict Day on March 21.
10 days to Easter, Julian Palm Sunday, Saint Vincent
Ferrer Day, and Saint Irene Day on April 5. 10 days
since Square Root of 10 Day and Saint Abraham the Hermit
Day on March 16.
15 days to Easter Friday, Julian Calendar Good Friday,
and Saint Ezechiel Day on April 10. 15 days since Saint
Eulogius Day and Saint Sophronius Day on March 11.
20 days to Tax Day, and Saints Basilissa and Anastasia
Day on April 15. 20 days since World Day of Prayer,
Saint Fridolin Day, Saint Colette Day, and Saint Perpetua
and Felicitas Day on March 6.
25 days since Saint David's Day, Patron of Wales Day on
March 1. 25 days to Saint Agnes of Montephulciano Day on
April 20.
30 days to ANZAC Day and Saint Mark the Evangelist Day on
April 25. 30 days since Saint Matthias, Apostle
Day on February 24.
35 days since Chinese New Year's Day 4713, Saint Gabrinus
Day, and Saint Odran Day on February 19. 35 days to
Saint Pius V and Saint Catherine of Siena Day on April
40 days to Cinco De Mayo and Pope Saint Pius V on May 5.
40 days since Saint Valentine's Day on February 14.
45 days to Mother's Day, Saint Damien Day de Veuster Day,
Saint Damien of Molokai Day, and Saint Antonius Day on
May 10. 45 days since Saint Cyril of Alexandra Day and
Saint Miguel Cordero Day on February 9.
50 days to Hug Your Cat Day, Saint John Baptist de la Salle Day, and Saint Isadore Day on May 15. 50 days
since Saint Andrew Corsini Day on February 4.
55 days to Saint Bernadine of Siena Day on May 20. 55
days since Saint Martina, Martyr Day and Saint Mutien-
Marie Wiaux Day on January 30.
60 days to Memorial Day, Pope Saint Gregory VII Day,
Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat Day, Saint Bede the
Venerable Day, and Saint Mary Magdalene de'Pazzi Day on May 25. 60 days since Conversion of Saint Paul the
Apostle Day on January 25.
65 days since Saint Fabian, Martyr Day and Saint
Sebastian, Martyr Day on January 20. 65 days to Saint
Joan of Arc Day and Pope Saint Felix I, Martyr Day on May
70 days to Tiananmen Square Day and Saint Francis
Caracciolo Day on June 4. 70 days since Martin Luther
King's birthday, Saint Paul the Hermit Day, Saint Maurus,
Abbot Day on January 15.
75 days since Saint Nicanor Day and Saint William Day on
January 10. 75 days to Saint Ephrem Day, Saint
Columkille Day, and Saints Primus and Felician, Martyrs
Day on June 9.
80 days to Flag Day and Saint Basil the Great Day on June
14. 80 days since Saint Telesphorus Day and Saint John
Neumann Day on January 5.
85 days since the Septaves of Glad Påsk, Glad Pask, and
Sad Pask in Sweden on December 31. 85 days since the
Septaves of Christmas, Gena, Glad Jul, God Jul,
Hoesenestotse, Jul, Julaften, Kalikimaka, Kersfees, Kir
Simes, Krishtlindjet, Krystdagen, Nadal, Navidaes,
Navidad, the Nativity of the Lord, Nettvcakorakko, Noel,
Nollaq, Nowell, Quaid-e-Azam's Day, Saturnalia, Sol
Invictus, Weihnachten, X -Mas, and Yuletide on December
31. 85 days since New Year's Eve, World Peace Day Eve,
Mary Mother of God Day Eve, Saint Sylvester I Day, and
Saint Catherine Laboure Day on December 31. 85 days to
Juneteenth, Saint Romuald Day, Saint Julina
Falconieri Day, and Saints Gervase and Protase Day on
June 19.
90 days to Saint John the Baptist Day on June 24. 90
days since Saint Stephen, First Martyr Day, Boxing Day,
and the 1st day of Kwanzza on December 26.
95 days to Saints Peter and Paul Day on June 29. 95 days
since Saint Thomas, Apostle Day and Saint Peter Canisius
Day on December 21.
100 days to Saint Theodore Day and Independence Day on
July 4. 100 days since Saint Eusebius, Martyr Day, Saint
Alice Day, and Saints Ananias, Azarias, and Misal,
Martyrs Day on December 16.
105 days to Saint Maria Goretti Day and Saint Augustine
Zhao Rong and Companions Day on July 9. 105 days since
Pope Saint Damasus I Day on December 11.
110 days to Bastille Day, Saint Bonaventure Day, Saint
Francis Solano Day, and Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Day on July 14. Also, I assume, the All Star Game. 110 days
since Saint Nicholas of Bari Day on December 6.
115 days to Saint Vincent de Paul Day and Nicaraguan Revolution Day on July 19. 115 days since World AIDS Day
and Saint Edward Campion Day on December 1.
120 days to Pine Tar Day Saint Christina Day, and Saint
Shabel Makhluf Day on July 24. 120 days since Saint
Leonard of Port Maurice Day, Saint Sylvester, Abbot Day,
Saint Peter of Alexandria, Martyr Day, and Saint John
Berchmans Day on November 26. John Berchmans is the
Patron of Altar Servers.
125 days since The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin
Mary Day on November 21. 125 days to Saint Martha Day
and Saints Felix II, Simplicius, Faustinus, and Beatrice
Day on July 29.
130 days to The Finding of the Body of Saint Stephen,
First Martyr Day, Saint Lydia Day, and Saint Peter Julian
Eymard Day on August 3. 130 days since Saint Gerturde
the Great Day and Saint Margaret of Scotland Day on
November 16.
135 days to Nixon Resignation Day, Saint Cyriacus,
Largus, and Smaragdus Day, and Saint Dominic Day on
August 8. 135 days since Veteran's Day, Remembrance Day,
Armistice Day, Saint Martin of Tours Day, and Saint
Mennas, Martyr Day on November 11.
140 days since Saint Leonard of Limoges Day and Saint
Leonard Reresby Day on November 6. 140 days to Saint
John Berchmans Day and Saint Hippolytus and Cassian Day
on August 13.
145 days since All Saints Day on November 1. 145 days to
Saint Helena Day and Saint Agapitus, Martyr Day on August
150 days since Saint Frumentius Day and Vigil of Saints
Simon and Jude, Apostles Day on October 27. 150 days to
Saint Philip Benizi Day, Saint Rose of Lima Day, and
vigil of Saint Bartholomew Day on August 23.
155 days since my friend John's 7th anniversary, Saint
Mary Mary Salome Day, and Bl (since promoted to Saint) Pope John Paul II Day on October 22. 155 days to Saint
Augustine Day and Saint Hermes, Martyr Day on August 28.
160 days since Saint Ignatius Day and Saint Margaret Mary
Alacoque Day on October 17. 160 days to Saint Stephen,
King of Hungary Day on September 2.
165 days to Saint Cloud Day, Saint Regina Day, and Labor
Day on September 7. 165 days since Columbus Day on
October 12.
170 days to The Most Holy Name of Mary Day on September
12. 170 days since Our Lady of the Rosary Day, Pope
Saint Mark Day, and Saints Sergius, Bacchus, Marcellus,
and Apulcius, Martyrs Day on October 7.
175 days to Constitution Day, Saint Robert Bellarmine
Day, Saint Hildegarde Day, and Stgmata of Saint Francis
of Assisi Day on September 17. 175 days since The Holy
Guardian Angels Day and Mahatma Gandhi's birthday on
October 2.
180 days to Saint Thomas of Villanova Day and Saint
Maurice and the Theban Legion, Martyrs Day on September
22. 180 days since Saint Vincent de Paul Day and Saints
Cosmas and Damian, Martyrs Day on September 27.
185 days since Saint Thomas of Villanova Day and Saint
Maurice and the Theban Legion, Martyrs Day on September
22. 185 days to Saint Vincent de Paul Day and Saints
Cosmas and Damian, Martyrs Day on September 27.
190 days since Constitution Day, Saint Robert Bellarmine
Day, Saint Hildegarde Day, and Stgmata of Saint Francis
of Assisi Day on September 17. 190 days to The Holy
Guardian Angels Day and Mahatma Gandhi's birthday on
October 2.
195 days since The Most Holy Name of Mary Day on September
12. 195 days to Our Lady of the Rosary Day, Pope Saint Mark Day, and Saints Sergius, Bacchus, Marcellus, and Apulcius, Martyrs Day on October 7.
200 days since Grandparents Day, Saint Cloud Day and
Saint Regina Day on September 7. 200 days to Columbus
Day and Canadian Thanksgiving Day on October 12.
205 days to Saint Ignatius Day and Saint Margaret Mary
Alacoque Day on October 17. 205 days since Saint
Stephen, King of Hungary Day on September 2.
210 days to my friend John's 8th anniversary, Saint
Mary Mary Salome Day, and Bl (since promoted to Saint)
Pope John Paul II Day on October 22. 210 days since
Saint Augustine Day and Saint Hermes, Martyr Day on
August 28.
215 days to Saint Frumentius Day and Vigil of Saints
Simon and Jude, Apostles Day on October 27. 215 days
since Saint Philip Benizi Day, Saint Rose of Lima Day,
and vigil of Saint Bartholomew Day on August 23.
220 days to All Saints Day on November 1. 220 days since
Saint Helena Day and Saint Agapitus, Martyr Day on August
225 days to Saint Leonard of Limoges Day and Saint
Leonard Reresby Day on November 6. 225 days since Saint
John Berchmans Day and Saint Hippolytus and Cassian Day
on August 13.
230 days since Nixon Resignation Day, Saint Cyriacus,
Largus, and Smaragdus Day, and Saint Dominic Day on
August 8. 230 days to Veteran's Day, Remembrance Day,
Armistice Day, Saint Martin of Tours Day, and Saint
Mennas, Martyr Day on November 11.
235 days since The Finding of the Body of Saint Stephen,
First Martyr Day, Saint Lydia Day, and Saint Peter Julian
Eymard Day on August 3. 235 days to Saint Gerturde the
Great Day and Saint Margaret of Scotland Day on November 16.
240 days to The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Day on November 21. 240 days since Saint Martha Day and
Saints Felix II, Simplicius, Faustinus, and Beatrice Day
on July 29.
245 days since Pine Tar Day Saint Christina Day, and
Saint Shabel Makhluf Day on July 24. 245 days to Saint
Leonard of Port Maurice Day, Saint Sylvester, Abbot Day,
Saint Peter of Alexandria, Martyr Day, and Saint John
Berchmans Day on November 26. John Berchmans is the
Patron of Altar Servers.
250 days since Saint Vincent de Paul Day and Nicaraguan
Revolution Day on July 19. 250 days to World AIDS Day
and Saint Edward Campion Day on December 1.
255 days since Bastille Day, Saint Bonaventure Day, Saint
Francis Solano Day, and Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Day on
July 14. 255 days to Saint Nicholas of Bari Day on
December 6.
260 days since Saint Maria Goretti Day and Saint
Augustine Zhao Rong and Companions Day on July 9. 260
days to Pope Saint Damasus I Day on December 11.
265 days since Saint Theodore Day and Independence Day on July 4. 265 days to Saint Eusebius, Martyr Day, Saint
Alice Day, and Saints Ananias, Azarias, and Misal,
Martyrs Day on December 16.
270 days since the start of Ramadan and Saints Peter and
Paul Day on June 29. 270 days to Saint Thomas, Apostle
Day and Saint Peter Canisius Day on December 21.
275 days since Saint John the Baptist Day on June 24.
275 days to Saint Stephen, First Martyr Day, Boxing Day,
and the 1st day of Kwanzza on December 26.
280 days to the Septaves of Glad Påsk, Glad Pask, and
Sad Pask in Sweden on December 31. 280 days to the
Septaves of Christmas, Gena, Glad Jul, God Jul,
Hoesenestotse, Jul, Julaften, Kalikimaka, Kersfees, Kir
Simes, Krishtlindjet, Krystdagen, Nadal, Navidaes, Navidad, the Nativity of the Lord, Nettvcakorakko, Noel,
Nollaq, Nowell, Quaid-e-Azam's Day, Saturnalia, Sol
Invictus, Weihnachten, X -Mas, and Yuletide on December
31. 280 days to New Year's Eve, World Peace Day Eve,
Mary Mother of God Day Eve, Saint Sylvester I Day, and
Saint Catherine Laboure Day on December 31. 280 days
since Juneteenth, Saint Romuald Day, Saint Julina
Falconieri Day, and Saints Gervase and Protase Day on
June 19.
285 days since Flag Day and Saint Basil the Great Day on
June 14. 285 days to Saint Telesphorus Day and Saint
John Neumann Day on January 5.
290 days to Baptism Day, Saint Nicanor Day, and Saint William Day on January 10. 290 days since Saint Ephrem
Day, Saint Columkille Day, and Saints Primus and
Felician, Martyrs Day on June 9.
295 days to Martin Luther King's birthday, Saint Paul
the Hermit Day, Saint Maurus, Abbot Day on January 15.
295 days since Tiananmen Square Day and Saint Francis
Caracciolo Day on June 4.
300 days to Saint Fabian, Martyr Day and Saint Sebastian,
Martyr Day on January 20. 300 days since Saint Joan of
Arc Day and Pope Saint Felix I, Martyr Day on May 30.
305 days to Conversion of Saint Paul the Apostle Day on
January 25. 305 days since Pope Saint Gregory VII Day,
Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat Day, Saint Bede the
Venerable Day, and Saint Mary Magdalene de'Pazzi Day on
May 25.
310 days to Saint Martina, Martyr Day and Saint Mutien-
Marie Wiaux Day on January 30. 310 days since Saint
Bernadine of Siena Day on May 20.
315 days since Hug Your Cat Day, Saint John Baptist de la
Salle Day, and Saint Isadore Day on May 15. 315 days to
Saint Andrew Corsini Day on February 4.
320 days to Mardi Gras, Fat Tuesday, Shrove Tuesday,
Saint Cyril of Alexandra Day and Saint Miguel Cordero Day
on February 9. 320 days since Saint Damien Day de
Veuster Day, Saint Damien of Molokai Day, and Saint
Antonius Day on May 10.
325 days since Cinco De Mayo and Pope Saint Pius V on May
5. 325 days to Saint Valentine's Day on February 14.
330 days since Saint Pius V and Saint Catherine of Siena
Day on April 30. 330 days to Saint Gabrinus Day, and
Saint Odran Day on February 19.
335 days since ANZAC Day and Saint Mark the Evangelist
Day on April 25. 335 days to Saint Matthias, Apostle Day
on February 24.
340 days since Easter and Saint Agnes of Montephulciano
Day on April 20. 340 days to Leap Day and Saint Aubin
Day next February 29. Albinus, also known as Aubin,
entered the monastery of Tincillac when a youth, was
elected Abbot when he was thirty-five, and was named
Bishop of Angers in 529. He was known for his generosity
to the sick and the indigent, widows, and orphans, for
his work in ransoming slaves, and for his holiness and
the many miracles he is reputed to have performed both
during his lifetime and after his death. His feast day is
March 1 (I assume that this is because February 29 only
occurs once every 4 years!). I've read that many people
consider Leap Day to be a lucky day on which to propose.
345 days since Easter Tuesday, Tax Day, and Saints Basilissa and Anastasia Day on April 15. 345 days to
Saint John Joseph of the Cross Day, and Saint Procas Day
on March 5.
350 days to The 40 Holy Martyrs of Sebast Day and Saint
John Ogilivie Day next March 10. 350 days since Saint
Ezechiel Day on April 10.
355 days to the Ides of March, Saint Clement Hofbauer Day, Saint Longinus Day, and the 4th Sunday of Lent next
March 15. 355 days since Saint Vincent Ferrer Day, and
Saint Irene Day on April 5.
360 days to Saint Photina Day, Saint Cuthbert Day, and
the start of Spring on March 20. 360 days since Saint
Acacius Day and Ceasar Chavez Day on March 31.
365 days to my friend John's 61st birthday, Saint Dismas
Day, and THE ANNUNCIATION OF THE LORD Day on March 25.
365 days since Saint Ludger Day on March 26.
Gorrrrrrr!! Look at all dat typing! And mind this John don't get
dismassed from eez job! - or shat on by a hovering dove!

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This magnificent thing is in the Sainsbury Wing of the National Gallery,
around a 20 minute Tube ride from here, so I can go and see it live
whenever I want! Good, innit?
