Post by Don StockbauerTalking about larger bills , I remember a show way way back (this is an
example of how my memory can remember tiny little details ) , in the show
this fellow was kept in a mental hospital (I've never been in one, I don't
think) even though he had no mental problems , it was just a mistake, him
being kept in a mental hospital all those years there made him kind of
retarded so he worked with his caseworker and she got him out into the public
and he went into a diner and the waitress said "well that'll be $7.22 " and
he paid with a 50 ,and she said "don't you have anything smaller " so he put
the bills on his lap and looked at them closely. He told her "no , they're
all the same size " He thought a smaller bill meant the bill was actually
smaller in physical size. The reality is that all bills are exactly the same
size and you can print stupid numbers on them supposedly making them worth
more or less, like one bill might have a one printed on it, another might
have 1000 on it , which just shows the arbitrary nature of our monetary
system, and how it will cause all of us to die.
Just be glad you did not live in pre-decimal England.